Our story

Building on decades of experience in the police force, military, and intelligence services, our three founders were driven by a desire to apply their expertise to the business world. They identified a gap in the market for a solution that not only provides data but also delivers actionable intelligence tailored to the specific needs of companies.

This vision resulted in the creation of a cutting-edge digital platform designed to integrate advanced intelligence and analytics with the unique client profiles. Our platform delivers a holistic, dynamic assessment, continuously adapting to the ever-evolving threat landscape to ensure precise, real-time insights and strategies.

To bring this vision to life, they assembled a team that combines expertise from the diverse fields of security, academia, and technology. Our experts hold advanced qualifications, including PhDs in areas such as politics, international relations, and political violence. The decades of operational experience bring deep expertise in counterintelligence, counterterrorism, and risk assessment. Our team excels in tactical and strategic analysis, surveillance tactics, and human intelligence operations. This unique combination of academic knowledge and real-world experience allows us to develop sophisticated risk models and address the evolving global threat landscape with precision.

Our tech and SaaS specialists bring expertise in building modern cloud solutions and AI-supported platforms. Our team has a proven track record of scaling SaaS solutions and managing key accounts for global brands, ensuring they remain at the forefront of technological innovation. Today, our team continues to innovate by applying this expertise to deliver cutting-edge security solutions that address current and emerging threats.

By integrating advanced academic research with practical operational insights and modern technology, we offer tailored solutions that meet the evolving security needs of our clients in a dynamic global environment.